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Vegan Triple Berry Protein Smoothie

Vegan Triple Berry Protein Smoothie

Enjoy a berry protein smoothie with tons of antioxidants made without any high sugar fruits.

 Here's what you'll find inside:

Frozen berries: we're using a blend of strawberries, raspberries & blueberries to add fiber, sweetness, antioxidants and add as many minerals as possible (each one has a different mix of vitamins)

Cauliflower rice: It makes smoothies so creamy without the need for banana. And you can't taste it at all!

Avocado: an amazing source of fiber and healthy fat, avocado is a great way to make your smoothie a lot more filling. Plus it makes it thick and creamy 

Vegan protein powder: Add extra proteins with your favorite vegan protein powder

Almond milk: an awesome way to really amp up the protein content of your smoothie. It tastes awesome too and has a slightly thicker texture 



How To Add More Protein To Your Smoothie

Do you ever find that you have a smoothie in the morning and then a few hours later you're hungry again? This is likely due to the fact that your smoothie isn't balanced.

Most smoothies are fruit-based so they're high in sugar and full of carbs. Our body burns through carbohydrates the quickest and if we don't balance our meals out with healthy fats, fiber, and protein, we end up getting hungry.

Our favorite way to bulk up my smoothies is to add protein. Protein keeps us full, is great if you're using your smoothie as a pre- or post-workout shake, but can also be a little tricky if you're plant-based.

Here are our favorite ways to add vegan protein to my smoothies:

  • hemp seeds: 3T = 10g
  • nut butter (especially peanut & almond): 1T = 4g
  • protein powder: 1 scoop = 10 – 20g
  • plant protein milk: 1 cup = 10g



And one final thing to leave you with: you can totally make smoothies ahead of time! Either make this the night before and keep it in a sealed mason jar in the fridge, or you can freeze it for later. Smoothies are 100% meal prep friendly! And again, they're an absolutely amazing way to pack your diet with nutrients and start your day on the right foot!


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